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This Week in SI Week 5 Calculus 1This week in Si Week 5 for Calculus one, we went over an important sin and cosin limit rule.
From Umar Manzoor
3 plays
This week in SI Week 3 Calculus 1Hi everyone, this is the this week in SI for week 3 of calculus 1. I went over what a derviative is and what the power rule is.
From Umar Manzoor
0 plays
This Week in SI Week 2 Calculus 1Hi everyone, this week I went of what difference quotients are how how to compute them.
From Umar Manzoor
0 plays
This Week in SI: ECON 2106 Week 11 (3/22-3/26)Brief recap of what we did in SI during week 11 for ECON 2106 Principles of Microeconomics
From Jonatas Teixeira Prates
32 plays
This Week in SI - PHIL 1010 - David Gray - 03.05.21Hey, y'all! Here's a recap of this week's Critical Thinking SI sessions on conditional arguments and a look ahead to next week's sessions in which we'll do some more…
From David Gray
8 plays