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Abbreviated Video Lecture Sections 9.1 and 9.2

In this abbreviated lecture video, we will cover Sections 9.1 and 9.2 We will learn about confidence intervals, margins of error, critical values, and how to calculate necessary sample sizes.

From  Keisha Lanier Brown 352 plays 0  

How to calculate critical value HW4 Questions 1 and 2

In this video, we will discuss how to calculate critical values (z sub alpha/2) using Statcrunch, TI 83/84 new and old operating systems, Excel, and other websites.

From  Keisha Lanier Brown 424 plays 0  

Math 1401 Problem 8.1.27

Sampling distributions of the sample mean - acceptable level for insect filth

From  Keisha Lanier Brown 529 plays 0  

Section 7.2 Fall 2018

From  Keisha Lanier Brown 2 plays 0