Week 5 in philosophy 1010 and we're still not receiving meme telemetry, maybe the friendly neighborhood logicizer can help us . . . In this 'this week in SI' video, I describe what we'll be covering this week in week 5, what I covered last week in week 4, and share some jokes besides. Just a reminder: this week we'll be covering the types of premises there are and the truth conditions they have; the proper form and true premises tests for deductive arguments; and we'll practice applying those tests to a selection of hilarious - if I don't say so myself - argument samples I have personally created for your learning pleasure. In my two SI sessions from 3-4 2/8 and 11-12 2/9, I'll be prompting you to figure out definitions and practice applying them with guided questions. In my Q&A session from 3-4 on 2/10 I'll be teaching you these concepts and skills if you don't know them already. I hope to see you soon!